Monday, 15 March 2010
Under Construction 2 : a long time in the making
The weather and waves have been working hard on this small isand (off the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland) for thousands of years, changing the cliff face, wearing away the rocks, bringing soil, and creating the gullies where water runs down.
What will the finished construction be like, when will it be complete, indeed will it ever be 'formed'?
Yet here it looks like a new creation emerging from the mists that sweep down and back into the sea.
Check out othe construction images on Carmi's blog
Under Construction... Work in Progress
So massive construction, compulsory purchases, tearing down whole streets, development grants, development agencies and groups with the consequential short term or failing businesses as easy access is temporarily denied while work is in progress.
Sometimes though the reconstruction is delightful, the new sympathetically blends with the old, features are retained and history does not become a casualty of progress.
Thankfully the super casino and
In the 1960s I lived in
Even our house is under reconstruction as we have had walls taken down, new walls built, plastering, plumbing and central heating sorted out, electricity to be brought up to modern standards, drains installed and then the decoration…
So having ranted here are images from